Friday, March 20, 2009

So headed up to Columbia County this weekend. Wylie is staying in the City as he is still a bit under the weather but he is recovering nicely. It is snowing today if you can believe it but I hear upstate is sunny and clear today so that's great!
Thoughts of early spring make me think of the country even more then normal. The smell of the fresh spring field grass and the beginnings of the birds chirping in the early mornings are all wonderful to look forward too. A few images come to mind and I found some this morning that I would like to share. The 1st is a farm outside of Stuyvesant looking towards the Berkshire Mountains at the height of summer. You can tell that by the height of the corn in the field. I know exactly what that place sounds smells and feels like. Its a great image and if you click on it it gets much bigger so you can truly get a sense of it.

The second smaller image is of Cody and Jim Tuttle hunting rabbit with the beagles in late fall with the Old Chatham Hunt Club. This is actually going on now as March is the Winter/spring hunting season also so I put it in as they are hunting this Sunday. The last is a great barn in Malden Bridge where I spent more then my share of time exploring the Kinderhook Creek behind it. Enjoy.


  1. AAhhhh...idyllic is right. Such Beauty, such splendor. Aren't you the lucky guy to know where to find just the right little bit of heaven here on earth? Love and special big kisses to our wylie, from daisy and poppy

  2. thanks you guys yes as you know this place is very special to me. Love you. Wylie is doing much better.
